<aside> ⚠️ Notes: If VIA can't recognize your PCB, please load the json file to make VIA recognize. (check step 7 of #1 Flash) https://usevia.app/#/design


#1 Flash with VIA firmware:

1- Download the latest VIA firmware and Json file from the link below, unzip it.

2- Put your PCB  into bootloader mode (hold down ESC key while plugging in a USB data cable). Tip: You can directly press LShift+RShift+LCtrl+B at the same time to enter bootloader mode.

3- Caps light starts flashing, and the computer pops up a removable disk named Unicore-F1.

4- Drag/copy the .uf2 you just downloaded to the new disk  directly.

5- The flash drive will eject automatically.

6- Open VIA on https://usevia.app/#/. In VIA Settings tab, enable Design tab and select Render Mode as 3D


7-  In the Design tab, enable Use v2 definitions first, then load the json file


8- At last, authorize your device in Configure tab


Download the latest VIA firmware/Json file: https://ydkb.io/help/?www#/other-firmware/vial (select KBD8x Mk3)


*(Optional) Download VIA Configurator: https://caniusevia.com/ https://github.com/the-via/releases/releases

#2 Flash with TMK firmware:  (Follow this method, VIA will not recognize your device)

1- Download the TMK firmware from https://ydkb.io/, in the upper right corner of the page, select DL .uf2 file

